When you drink alcohol, your risk of having a stroke increases by more than thirty-five percent.

When the brain's blood supply is interrupted, it results in a stroke. The major variables that influence your risk for this deadly ailment are your food, level of physical activity, smoking, and alcohol use.

In those under the age of 40, the disorder is rather rare. Very high blood pressure is the usual culprit in causing strokes.

Of the risk factors, all of them are modifiable; however, there is one that can considerably raise the risk, and that is consuming alcohol.

Light to moderate alcohol consumption raises blood pressure. A genetic analysis in The Lancet found that frequent use might raise stroke risk. For the study, UK and Chinese scientists studied 500,000 Chinese for 10 years.

At least 16% of UK men and women have a stroke. Thus, 100 non-drinkers having two drinks each day raise stroke risk by two.

Stroke risk is highly linked to alcohol. A recent study indicated that one to two beers per day might raise stroke risk by 10-15%. Alcohol consumption increases stroke risk by 35%.

Aside from this, drinking alcohol is associated with an increased risk of obesity, damage to the liver, hypertension, atrial fibrillation, and diabetic complications.

Limited alcohol consumption does not cut stroke risk, according to scientists. A University of Oxford expert says wine and beer help prevent stroke. The risk of stroke increases with alcohol use. There is no safe amount of alcohol to reduce danger, warn experts.

Be on the lookout for any specific alterations that may occur.