The Role of Asteroids in Astrology

Astrological Significance: Asteroids in astrology refer to small celestial bodies that orbit the Sun, and some astrologers consider them in chart analysis along with the major planets.

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White Lightning

Chiron - The Wounded Healer: Chiron, often referred to as the "wounded healer," is a significant asteroid in astrology. Its placement in the birth chart is associated with healing, mentorship, and addressing emotional wounds.

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White Lightning

Ceres - The Nurturer: Ceres is associated with nurturing, particularly as a motherly figure. Its placement can provide insights into an individual's approach to nurturing and being nurtured.

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White Lightning

Pallas Athene - Wisdom and Strategy: Pallas Athene is linked to wisdom, strategy, and creative intelligence. Its placement may indicate problem-solving skills, particularly in intellectual or strategic matters.

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White Lightning

Juno - Partnership and Marriage: Juno is often associated with partnership, marriage, and commitment. Its placement in the birth chart may reveal insights into an individual's approach to long-term relationships.

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White Lightning

Vesta - Devotion and Focus: Vesta represents devotion and focus. Its placement can indicate areas where an individual dedicates significant time and energy, often related to work or personal pursuits.

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White Lightning

Astraea - Justice and Fairness: Astraea is associated with justice and fairness. Its placement may provide insights into an individual's values related to fairness, equality, and ethical considerations.

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White Lightning

Pholus and Nessus - Centaur Asteroids: Pholus and Nessus are centaur asteroids, and their positions in the birth chart are associated with themes of transformation, healing, and dealing with past wounds.

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White Lightning

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