The Metabolic Effects of Obesity and Hormones

Insulin Resistance: Obesity causes cells to become less insulin-responsive, raising blood sugar and risking type 2 diabetes.

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Obese people may have less leptin, which regulates hunger and satiety, leading to overeating and weight gain.

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Adipose tissue releases adipokines, which regulate hunger, insulin sensitivity, and inflammation. Obesity causes adipokine dysregulation.

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Obese people may have higher Ghrelin levels, which increases appetite and overeating.

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Cortisol Production: Chronic stress from obesity can increase cortisol levels, encouraging abdominal fat storage.

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Sex Hormones: Obesity can cause hormonal imbalances that affect reproductive health.

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Chronic low-grade inflammation, including increased C-reactive protein (CRP), is associated to obesity and metabolic dysfunction.

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Obesity disrupts hormonal homeostasis, which can cause metabolic irregularities and metabolic syndrome.

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