The History and Evolution of Astrology

Ancient Origins: Astrology has ancient roots, dating back to Mesopotamia, Egypt, and China around 2,000-3,000 BCE. Early practitioners observed celestial patterns and correlated them with earthly events.

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Babylonian and Greek Contributions: Babylonian astrologers developed the zodiac around 5th century BCE, influencing Greek astrology. Hellenistic astrologers, like Ptolemy, contributed to the system of planetary rulerships and aspects.

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Islamic Golden Age: During the Islamic Golden Age (8th to 14th centuries), scholars translated and expanded upon Greek and Roman astrological texts, preserving and advancing astrological knowledge.

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Medieval Europe: Astrology flourished in medieval Europe, with scholars blending Arabic and classical traditions. Astrology was widely practiced, and royal courts employed court astrologers.

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Renaissance and Humanism: The Renaissance saw a revival of interest in classical knowledge, including astrology. Humanist scholars explored astrology's philosophical and symbolic aspects.

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Scientific Revolution: The Scientific Revolution in the 17th century led to a shift in intellectual paradigms, and astrology faced criticism from emerging scientific disciplines.

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19th Century Revival: In the 19th century, astrology experienced a revival with the rise of spiritual movements and interest in mysticism. Astrology became popular among certain circles.

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Modern developments: Psychological astrology rose in the 20th century. Astrology has a diverse audience, with internet horoscopes, and it evolves with modern ideas.

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