To keep diabetes under control, it is suggested to follow a diet low in carbohydrates, rich in protein, and high in fiber, and to exercise regularly. Vegetables can aid in diabetes management due to their low glycemic index.
The glycemic index shows how much glucose a food releases into the circulation. This classifies foods as low, medium, or high glycemic index. Besides the glycemic index, the food's glycemic load—the rate at which sugar is produced from the total carbs—is crucial.
Antioxidants like Sulforaphane and kaempferol are abundant in cabbage. It contains prebiotic insoluble fiber, which improves digestion and immunity. Vitamin K, a clotting agent, is abundant. If you use blood thinners, drink it moderately.
The antioxidants, isothiocyanates, and glucosinolates in cauliflower are powerful and anti-inflammatory. Its insoluble fiber promotes satiety. Choline in cauliflower helps brain growth and neurotransmitter generation.
Tomatoes are abundant in fiber, lycopene, and vitamin C, which enhance immunity. Potassium in tomatoes helps regulate hypertension. Moderate consumption is advised for renal sufferers.
Fiber, vitamin C, folic acid, carotenoids, and magnesium are abundant in bhindi. It lowers homocysteine, preventing neuropathy. Food glycemic regulation is also improved by fiber.
There is a high concentration of vitamin C, fiber, vitamin K, and folic acid in French beans. In addition to lowering the amount of calcium that is excreted through the urinary tract, vitamin K helps the bones absorb calcium.