Plant Hormones and Growth Regulation

Auxins: Auxins promote cell elongation and are crucial for tropisms, such as phototropism and gravitropism, influencing the direction of plant growth.

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White Lightning

Cytokinins: Cytokinins stimulate cell division and differentiation, playing a role in promoting lateral bud growth and delaying senescence (aging) in plant tissues.

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White Lightning

Gibberellins: Gibberellins regulate stem elongation, seed germination, and flowering, influencing overall plant growth and development.

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White Lightning

Abscisic Acid (ABA): ABA is involved in stress responses, including water stress, and regulates stomatal closure to prevent excessive water loss during drought conditions.

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White Lightning

Ethylene: Ethylene is a plant hormone that regulates various processes, including fruit ripening, senescence, and responses to stress and environmental cues.

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White Lightning

Brassinosteroids: Brassinosteroids influence cell elongation, division, and differentiation, promoting overall plant growth and development.

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White Lightning

Jasmonates: Jasmonates play a role in plant defense mechanisms, responding to herbivore attacks, pathogen infections, and other stress conditions.

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White Lightning

Strigolactones: Strigolactones regulate branching and influence the development of mycorrhizal associations, playing a role in plant-microbe interactions.

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White Lightning

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