Plant Genetics and Genetic Engineering

Selective Breeding: Traditional plant breeding involves selecting and crossbreeding plants with desirable traits to enhance specific characteristics.

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Genetic Modification (GM): Genetic engineering allows for the direct manipulation of an organism's DNA, introducing specific genes to confer desired traits.

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Resistance to Pests: Genetic engineering can enhance plant resistance to pests by introducing genes that produce toxins harmful to insects or by enhancing natural defense mechanisms.

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Disease Resistance: Plants can be genetically modified to resist diseases through the introduction of genes that code for proteins with antifungal or antibacterial properties.

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Improved Nutritional Content: Genetic engineering can enhance the nutritional content of crops by introducing genes responsible for producing essential vitamins, minerals, or other nutrients.

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Drought Tolerance: Genetic modification can confer drought tolerance to plants by introducing genes that enhance water-use efficiency or enable plants to thrive in water-limited conditions.

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Herbicide Resistance: Some genetically modified plants are engineered to be resistant to specific herbicides, allowing for effective weed control without harming the crop.

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Accelerated Breeding: Genetic engineering techniques, such as marker-assisted breeding, can accelerate the traditional breeding process by identifying and selecting desirable traits more efficiently.

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