Plant Companions: Boosting Garden Production

Tomatoes and Basil: Planting basil near tomatoes can enhance the flavor of tomatoes and help repel pests that affect tomatoes, creating a mutually beneficial relationship.

White Lightning
White Lightning

Beans and Corn: Beans help fix nitrogen in the soil, benefiting corn, which is a heavy nitrogen feeder. Corn provides a natural support structure for beans to climb.

White Lightning
White Lightning

Cucumbers and Nasturtiums: Nasturtiums act as a trap crop, attracting aphids away from cucumbers. Additionally, nasturtiums are edible and add a peppery flavor to salads.

White Lightning
White Lightning

Carrots and Onions: Carrots and onions work well together, with onions repelling carrot flies and carrots deterring onion flies. This combination can help protect both crops.

White Lightning
White Lightning

Broccoli and Marigolds: Marigolds can deter pests that affect broccoli, such as nematodes. Their vibrant flowers also add a decorative element to the garden.

White Lightning
White Lightning

Strawberries and Borage: Borage can enhance the flavor of strawberries and attract pollinators. It also acts as a deterrent to certain pests that affect strawberries.

White Lightning
White Lightning

Lettuce and Radishes: Planting radishes among lettuce can help deter pests like aphids. Radishes grow quickly, providing a natural ground cover.

White Lightning
White Lightning

Squash and Nasturtiums: Nasturtiums repel pests that commonly affect squash plants. The vining nature of nasturtiums can also provide ground cover, reducing weed growth.

White Lightning
White Lightning

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