Mundane Astrology: Predicting World Events

National Birth Charts: Mundane astrology involves the analysis of national or regional birth charts to gain insights into the destiny, strengths, and challenges of a particular country or region.

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Ingress Charts: Mundane astrologers examine ingress charts, particularly the Aries and Libra ingress charts, which occur at the equinoxes. These charts are used to predict general trends for the upcoming astrological year.

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Eclipses: Solar and lunar eclipses are considered significant in mundane astrology, with their influence believed to impact global events and the destiny of nations.

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Planetary Configurations: Mundane astrologers analyze planetary configurations, such as conjunctions, squares, and oppositions, to identify periods of tension or significant developments on a global scale.

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Outer Planets: The positions and aspects of outer planets, such as Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, are studied for their long-term influence on societal shifts and major world events.

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Political and Economic Trends: Mundane astrology is often used to make predictions about political developments, economic trends, and social shifts at the national and international levels.

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Global Crisis Analysis: Mundane astrologers may focus on critical periods and potential global crises by analyzing the interplay of planetary influences and alignments.

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Astrocartography: Astrocartography involves mapping astrological influences onto geographical locations, providing insights into regions where significant events or shifts may occur.

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