Is it true that drinking alcohol causes you to gain weight? Does it really take so long? This is what we explain.

Maintaining a healthy BMI and weight requires good diet, exercise, and watching what you eat and drink. While eating habits affect waistline, drinking also affects healthy weight. Alcohol has long been considered a bad lifestyle habit that might cause weight gain and obesity (remember the beer belly phenomena).

While prolonged alcohol intake can harm the liver and overall health, is it a major weight gain factor? Do all your drinks cause weight gain? How many calories do you get from beer? We resolve the issue and explain how alcohol causes weight gain...

Alcohol harms health. Moderate alcohol usage can be healthy, like red wine's antioxidants, but excessive use can be dangerous. Chronic drinking and toasting can be harmful. Alcohol's neurotoxicity impairs brain decision-making, which has long-term effects. High cholesterol, blood pressure, lifestyle illnesses, liver damage, and regular alcohol use can cause chronic health issues and side effects that indirectly raise obesity risk.

Alcohol includes empty calories, making it harmful. Without nutrients, a drink or meal can cause the largest weight gain. Other foods and drinks have less calories than alcohol. Spirits have 295 calories per 100 grams, whereas beers have 43. Mixing them with sugary, chemical-laden cocktail syrups or juices adds calories. More beverages may increase calorie consumption. Too many calories induce weight gain and inhibit weight loss.

Alcohol can affect health and weight reduction in many ways than just its high calorie consumption. Weight loss depends on more than food and exercise, as we all know. Overdrinking may drastically change your lifestyle and make it harder to lose weight, even if you regulate your diet and exercise.

Alcohol use dramatically affects hormone levels, which govern metabolism, weight gain, and loss. Alcohol addiction can alter the hormones. Overconsumption also raises cortisol, the stress hormone associated to weight growth.

Long-term calorie cuts and eating less lose weight. Alcohol is rarely drunk alone, but eating with it may affect your hunger hormones and increase calorie intake. Alcohol increases appetite, insomnia, and carb cravings. Alcohol can alter leptin and ghrelin, which affects the appetite center and makes you crave high-calorie meals.

Alcohol is a high-calorie drink, but it can also affect lifestyle patterns and weight growth. If you are careful of your alcohol intake or have an addiction, you risk obesity, heart disease, liver failure, digestive difficulties, malignancies, and mental diseases.

Be on the lookout for any specific alterations that may occur.