In addition to fish, the following are the top five sources of omega-3 fatty acids that are found in vegan and vegetarian diets.

Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial in our diet, along with fruits, vegetables, and seafood. One vitamin that benefits the brain, heart, and reproductive system. Since they improve cellular health, they can extend life and prevent aging if ingested frequently. It's also a great diet supplement for inflammatory conditions.

Omega-3 fatty acids should be consumed 1.2g to 1.8g daily, according dietary guidelines. Certain health conditions may require higher doses. Most people with acute deficiencies are encouraged to take supplements alone, however it's a fallacy that Omega-3 is only found in fatty fish and shellfish, leaving vegetarians with few options. Not true. Vegans may eat various plant-based foods and vegetables with omega-3 fatty acids. We present 5 great vegan and vegetarian Omega-3 sources with small differences in quantities.

Chia seeds, a trendy seed, are beneficial. They include up to 5g of plant-based Omega-3 ALA fatty acids per serving and aid weight loss and heart health. Adding them to puddings, oats, and other nuts and seeds makes them easy to eat and healthy. Use chia seeds in trail mixes with nuts, smoothies, and beverages for added benefits.

Seaweed, nori, and spirulina, which are strong in Omega-3s, are good for vegans. Most nutritionists and dieticians recommend them for their health benefits. All include AHA and DHA, which boost brain and cognitive performance. Spirulina, or seaweed, may be added to many foods, although its taste may be unusual.

We consider walnuts brain and heart-healthy, right? It's one nut you must eat daily! It contains 3.34 g of Omega-3 fats, including AHA, making it a rich source. Again, use them often as there are many ways to enjoy them. Some recommend soaking walnuts for further health advantages.

Edamame, a famous Japanese soybean food, is nutritious and high in Omega-3 fatty acids. Vegans should include this in their diets because of its many advantages. They are high in Omega-3s and plant-based proteins, making them great for salads or alone. Additionally, soybean oil is suggested for its Omega-3 content.

Brussels sprouts, a cruciferous vegetable, are high in Vitamin K, Omega-3 acids, Vitamin C, phosphorous, and fiber. Studies show that adding brussel sprouts alone to a balanced diet can reduce heart disease risk by 16%. When cooked, brussel sprouts can double or treble their 50-70 mg of ALA per cup! Consider steaming or cooking them for daily meals or salads.

Canola oil is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, so it's a good choice for cooking. A spoonful of canola oil contains 1.28g of this fatty acid, which meets the recommended dietary intake for women. It also has a light, neutral flavor that complements meals.

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