Holistic Dentistry: Oral Health Beyond Cavities

Whole-Person Approach: Holistic dentistry considers the overall well-being of the individual, addressing oral health as integral to the overall health of the body.

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Preventive Strategies: Beyond traditional dental care, holistic dentistry emphasizes preventive measures, including proper nutrition, stress reduction, and oral hygiene practices.

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Biocompatible Materials: Holistic dentists often prioritize the use of biocompatible materials for dental procedures, taking into consideration potential sensitivities or allergies.

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Mercury-Free Dentistry: Holistic dentistry avoids the use of mercury in dental amalgam fillings due to concerns about potential health risks associated with mercury exposure.

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Nutritional Guidance: Holistic dentists may provide nutritional advice to support oral health, recognizing the connection between diet and overall well-being.

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Mind-Body Connection: Understanding the mind-body connection, holistic dentistry recognizes the impact of stress on oral health and may incorporate relaxation techniques into dental care.

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Integrated Healthcare: Holistic dentists may collaborate with other healthcare practitioners to address systemic health issues that may manifest in oral health problems.

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Patient Education: Holistic dentistry places importance on patient education, empowering individuals to take an active role in their oral health and overall wellness.

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