Emotional eating and mental health and obesity

Emotional Eating: Obese people use food to cope with stress, anxiety, and unpleasant emotions.

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Binge Eating Disorder: Lost control over eating big amounts of food quickly is linked to psychological variables and can lead to obesity.

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Depression and Anxiety: Obesity and mental health issues like depression and anxiety can worsen each other.

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Low Self-Esteem: Obesity can impair self-esteem and body image, affecting mental health and emotional eating.

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Social Stigma: Obesity stigma can cause shame, loneliness, and emotional eating.

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Cyclical Relationship: Psychological problems can cause obesity and mental health issues, which can lead to unhealthy eating habits.

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Due to a lack of coping methods, some people turn to food for consolation, worsening emotional eating.

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Professional Support: To address underlying emotional problems and create healthy coping techniques, obesity psychology typically requires counseling or therapy.

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