The judge's crazy courtroom video attacker will confront her again in Las Vegas.

Las Vegas (AP)— A defendant who was seen jumping over a judge's bench and starting a violent brawl will appear before her Monday morning.

Deobra Redden, who was facing jail time for a felony violence conviction from a baseball bat attack last year, sought to convince Clark County District Court Judge Mary Kay Holthus on Jan. 3 that he was changing. Redden requested leniency as “a person who never stops trying to do the right thing no matter how hard it is.”

When it became evident Holthus would sentence him to jail, Redden screamed expletives and pushed forward as the court marshal handcuffed and arrested him. The courtroom crowd, including his foster mother, screamed.

Redden climbed Holthus after jumping over the judge's bench and a defense table. The judge collapsed against a wall and an American flag fell over them in the footage. In the move to Holthus, Redden “supermanned over the judicial bench,” said Chief Judge Jerry Wiese.

Michael Lasso, the judge's clerk, and numerous court and jail guards, some of whom threw blows, had to pull the defendant off her hair. A marshal was hospitalized for a dislocated shoulder and forehead gash, while Lasso was treated for hand injuries.

Wiese said Lasso was the “primary person” who pulled Redden off the judge “and probably kept her from having more severe injuries.” Redden's defense counsel, Caesar Almase, denied comment.

Redden was arrested on $54,000 bond for the attack but refused to come to court the next day on the new accusations, so a judge delayed his next court appearance for Tuesday. He was charged with extortion, coercion with force, and violence on the judge and the cops who helped her, according to records.

Holthus is likely to finish sentencing Redden's baseball bat attack case on Monday. He pled guilty to attempted violence causing significant harm in November after first being charged with assault due to a plea arrangement.

District Attorney Steve Wolfson said Redden has three felonies and nine misdemeanors, primarily violent incidents. “He’s been violent his entire adult life,” Wolfson added. Wednesday, Redden, 30, advised the judge otherwise.

“I’m not a rebellious person,” he assured her, adding that he didn’t want to go to prison. “But if it’s right for you, do it.” Redden was freed from detention pending punishment, thus he was neither chained or wearing jail clothing when he attacked.