Atmospheric Circulation: Wind Resistance Patterns

Hadley Cell: Warm air rises at the equator, moves toward the poles in the high atmosphere, descends in the subtropics, and returns to the equator near the surface.

White Lightning
White Lightning

Between the Hadley Cell and the Polar Cell, the Ferrel Cell involves cool, polar air descending in the mid-latitudes, migrating toward the equator in the upper atmosphere, and rising in the subtropics.

White Lightning
White Lightning

Cold, dense air sinks at high latitudes, flows near the surface, rises in the polar front, and returns poleward in the upper atmosphere in the Polar Cell.

White Lightning
White Lightning

Trade Winds: Hadley Cell circulation causes sustained easterly winds near the equator. They are vital to maritime navigation.

White Lightning
White Lightning

Westerlies: Mid-latitude westerlies blow from west to east. They affect weather patterns in various locations due to Ferrel Cell circulation.

White Lightning
White Lightning

Arctic easterlies are chilly winds from the east near the poles. They interact with westerlies and circulate with Polar Cells.

White Lightning
White Lightning

The Earth's rotation causes the Coriolis effect, which deflects air to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and left in the Southern. This affects atmospheric circulation.

White Lightning
White Lightning

Westerlies contain high-altitude, fast-flowing jet streams. They are vital to weather system control and surface weather.

White Lightning
White Lightning

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