A low number of platelets? After dengue fever, foods that might help raise your platelet count

A nationwide dengue outbreak has raised demand for platelets, blood cells that coagulate and bleed. Dengue fever increases platelet breakdown and decreases platelet creation, lowering blood platelet count and increasing the risk of internal bleeding and rashes.

Transfusions are given to those with blood platelet counts below 1.5 to 4 lakh per microlitre to avert problems. However, transfusion can spread infections.

Thus, this therapy should only be used when required. Platelet count may be spontaneously boosted by consuming certain foods. Here are several natural platelet count boosters.

Animal products include water-soluble vitamin B12, or cobalamin. Improving platelet count and cell health helps the body function. An important B vitamin deficiency may lower blood platelet numbers. Most adults require 2.4 mcg of vitamin B-12 daily, but pregnant and lactating women need 2.8. Eggs, beef, fish, and fowl contain B12.

Healthy cell development requires folate, another B vitamin. Vitamin B9, also known as folacin, boosts platelet counts, tissue growth, and cognition. This vitamin and Vitamin C help break and build protein. This vitamin also makes red blood cells. Black-eyed peas, peanuts, oranges, and kidney beans contain folate.

In addition to immune-boosting, vitamin C increases platelet count. Citrus fruit vitamin enhances iron absorption and platelet count. Increasing diet lessens winter cold and flu risk. Just remember that heat kills vitamin C. Thus, vitamin C-rich meals should be raw. Broccoli, oranges, grapefruits, bell peppers, and strawberries contain this vitamin.

Iron deficiency causes anemia, which reduces red blood cells' oxygen delivery to organs. Adequate iron intake boosts red blood cell and platelet counts. Having enough blood components can enhance your immunity and keep you active throughout winter. White and kidney beans, lentils, pumpkin seeds, and spinach are iron-rich.

The platelet count in the blood can be increased by certain meals, while it can be decreased by others. There are some foods and beverages that you should avoid consuming while your platelet count is low. These include the following:

Be on the lookout for any specific alterations that may occur.